At present, a lot of new bloggers are coming into the intricate world of blogging. But, as a matter of fact, there are already thousands of new blogs starting on a daily basis. In sharp contrast to this, it is unfortunate that a significant number of blogs are shutting down.

 It’s a life cycle of blogging! In other words, we can say that blogging isn’t easy. It requires a great deal of work and coordination to make it all function properly. So if you are a blogger looking for a reliable and efficient way to host your blog, shared hosting offers a compelling alternative. Even if you’re just starting to blog or looking to expand, shared web hosting offers the functionalities you require to succeed.

 In this blog, we’ll be highlighting the major pros and cons of shared hosting for bloggers, involving affordability, ease of use, scalability, and flexibility. Explore web hosting charges in India & how shared web hosting can be a ground-breaking platform for your blog!

 Shared Hosting: Demystified

Shared hosting authorizes several websites to benefit from a single web server. In other words, it is a web hosting solution that enables several websites to share a single server as well as its resources between the hosted sites.

 Most of the time, you’re unaware of who or what sites you’re sharing server resources with. Every user will generally have access to a limited number of server resources that they can utilize, but it’ll be determined by your web hosting provider.

 Shared hosting is considered to be one of the most affordable and economical alternatives for your hosting demands. But having said that, cheap costs come with certain restrictions, which we’ll get back to later on!

 Also, the majority of web hosting service providers offer a similar amount of disk space and storage areas, but it is crucial to select a reliable hosting provider.

 Why Shared Hosting is Ideal for Bloggers: Pros and Cons

Now that you’ve grasped the concept of shared hosting, let’s move forward with the major pros and cons of shared hosting for bloggers!


When you start blogging from scratch, you’re required to invest money in configuring everything. You’ll require a functional website, and at the same time, you’ll have to pay for your website to be hosted on a server.

 Among all these initial expenses, the most important factor you’ll require is choosing the right hosting package. Shared web hosting is the most reasonable hosting solution. This is because lots of websites are hosted on a single physical server, which suggests that the cost and resources are shared among all the users.

Also, a new blog requires some time to develop a strong audience; until then, it won’t require lots of storage space or CPU usage. As the blog caters to a relatively small audience, shared hosting is the right choice for these requirements.

 Specifically Designed for Newbies

A blogger might not know everything about the intricacies of web hosting. If you’re one of them, and if you’re not aware of designing the website, security configurations, or something like that for your blog, then shared hosting is the go-to option.

Because loads of other things in hosting require a specific amount of expertise to work with, it might not be much, but you just need to have a certain level of knowledge about server configurations and setting security protocols.

 Shared hosting, on the contrary, is designed for newbies. You will get a user-friendly and robust control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk. You’ll also get assistance with website development and much more.

 The essence of shared web hosting is that an amateur who doesn’t have any knowledge of website hosting can operate on a computer and set everything up with very little or no help. This type of user interface is greatly helpful when web design and web hosting aren’t your forte.

 Robust Security

First of all, it’s crucial to remember that advanced security measures are important for any type of website since cyber threats have become common. And the websites hosted on shared servers are highly secure.

 Major shared hosting companies follow fair usage policies or acceptable use policies (AUP) and configure their servers in a way that there is a low likelihood of risk for all the sites. They implement several firewalls and security measures to safeguard your websites continuously.


As your blog starts to grow, you’ll require extensive resources. The most important server resources include disk storage, RAM, CPU usage, and bandwidth. Other resources, such as SSL certificates, control panels, email accounts, domain names, and regular backups, are also required to be addressed when upgrading a hosting plan.

Despite that, when using shared hosting, you can efficiently upgrade your existing web hosting plan within a few clicks.

 Timely Backups and Disaster Recovery

Blogs aren’t just an information-sharing platform but also a medium for businesses. The content that a blogger uploads is very crucial and ought to be backed up regularly. Sadly, deploying a backup and restore plan isn’t simple.

 Professional shared hosting companies will create and manage backups for you. Also, several hosting providers offer automatic backup solutions, for which you can opt for extra backups. In this manner, if any mischief happens, you’ve got a handy backup.

 Excellent Uptime

Uptime is a metric of how long your website is “available” or up and running before going down, regardless of the reason. Professional shared hosting companies offer a guaranteed uptime of over 99.9%.

 Uptime is one of the most important determining factors when selecting the best shared hosting provider because you don’t want your visitors to visit your blog only for it to not load. Since you’ve spent a considerable amount of time and money on driving traffic to your website, making them see a dysfunctional website is a wasted effort on your part. At this time, visitors don’t wait for even one more second for a slow website; therefore, driving them back to your site again will be a tough task.

 Drawbacks of Shared Hosting

 Despite their affordability and accessibility, shared web hosting services also have a few drawbacks, like:

 Limited resources

Sharing server resources with neighboring websites means restricted storage space, bandwidth, and CPU usage. A sudden growth in traffic from neighboring websites can negatively affect the performance of your website.

 No Root Access

Root access offers the top level of access to the server. It allows you to run an alternative OS and deploy server-side apps such as Apache and Nginx. Normally, root access is available only on dedicated servers.

 Shared IP

In addition to server resources, you’ll also share an IP address with neighboring websites. Unlike dedicated hosting, where you aren’t required to use a shared IP address to access your website in case of domain issues.

 What makes MilesWeb Shared Hosting Unique?

 Newbies will acknowledge the simplicity of MilesWeb shared hosting, offering cutting-edge resources like SSD NVMe storage, secure email accounts, user-friendly control panels, a 1-click installer, instant account setup, and malware scan and removal systems.

 The bloggers will also enjoy the advanced features offered by our shared hosting plan, such as multiple PHP support, a cache manager, Gzip compression, terminal access, WP-CLI, the latest hardware, and much more.


 Shared web hosting provides a perfect mix of improved performance and cost-effectiveness, which perfectly suits the needs of bloggers. It’s a fast and robust web hosting alternative that is available to you at an affordable price.

 This hosting solution is mainly designed for people who are just starting out in the hosting world or don’t have technical expertise. This indicates that you’ll get your website up and running in little to no time and be certain that your blog isn’t going down or slowing down in the near future.

 So, it’s the right time to get your blog going! Contact us today to learn more about our shared hosting!

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